Firbon A4 Paper Cutter 12 Inch Titanium Paper Trimmer Scrapbooking Tool with Automatic Security Safeguard and Side Ruler for Craft Paper, Coupon, Label and Cardstock (Black)

  • Professional Guillotine: Present the clean straight cutting along printed line. No drag! And easy to replace the blade when it become blunt.
  • Size and Materials: Design to cut A3,A4,A5 Paper, Photos, Cards, Laminated Stuff (within 1.5mm) and more. Max cut 12 sheets paper (80g/m2) every time. Cut a little lesser prolongs blades' service life better.
  • Accurate Measurement: With 45-degree to 90-degree angle measuring plate and cm/inch scale. Ensure to trim the angle and length you wanted.
  • Portable and Safe: This cutter is lightweight and convenience. Only work when you press the blade, perfectly protect user especially children.
  • Versatile Making: Your ideal cutting tool for making craft projects, wedding invitation cards and greating card. Suit for home, office, and school.

Good parts - Cheap price and works great! Thx

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I absolutely love this product. I also purchased a guillotine cutter and expected that would be my primary tool, however I use this Firbon cutter so much more. I've used it to cut cardstock, laminated cardstock, sticker paper, clear (really thick) sticker paper, presentation paper, and standard paper. I've never had an issue, it cuts smooth and straight. Make sure you hold your paper on the actual unit (under the Firbon letters) when cutting. I used Washing tape to mark the measurements I use most often for cutting Happy Planner inserts and book marks. I absolutely love this paper cutter. I've cut stickers as small as 1 cm and no issues.

Very sharp and very accurate cut. I wouldn't put too much paper in at a time, but works great on cardstock and other thicker papers as individual sheets. Very helpful and handy in working with things that need accurate and clean cuts. I'm an artist and this is a must have.

The cutter is fine and works well. The folding ruler is helpful. I also ordered what I thought were replacement blades which were on Amazon. The blades are by Fiskars and they DO NOT fit this trimmer. The blades are also orange so who knew they wouldn't work. Amazon says the blades are not returnable.

This is the best cutter I have ever used. This is precise, easy to gauge, and sharp as the finest razors. I'm an so glad I purchased this. I'm clerk for my church and I make the bulletins and announcements so I use this cutter every week for several projects, and it's just add sharp add when I first got it. I love it love it love it.

I'm a card maker, but I do cut a lot of paper. I really like this cutter. I was skeptical of this brand because of the low price. I needn't have worried. This cutter works as well as my more expensive guillotine cutter. It can cut through two layers of cardstock. The fact that it has an extended ruler is also convenient. It is light weight and easy to move around. I have no complaints about this cutter and I would buy it again if this one wears out.

Got this to use instead of the heavy guillotine one at our office. Lining up papers to be trimmed for any length of time would end in backache plus the handle blade wasn't to precise either and most times you would have to follow up with a pair of scissors. This little trimmer was the perfect alternative. I can sit at my desk or take it to whatever area I'm working, line everything up to be trimmed as I want it and just push and slide to cut. It one of the lightest that I had dealings with and also is small enough to be stored in my desk drawer instead of constantly taking up tabletop space. In fact this was so good at its job, two colleague were impressed enough to get one of their own.

Simple and light ... Works well with extended the arm. Small and compact but perfect for home projects. Mostly Fiskar cutters and thought I'd give a try something new. I think it's a smart idea to have diagonal lines. It cuts really well and clean, however, you need to apply more pressure than other brand trimmers. You will be surprised how light it is and it would've been nice to have more weight into it on the base but accurate and easy to use. Just what i needed.

I like this cutter and it fits my (Westcott) and now I have a sharp blade to cut my papers thank u for making this blade


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